Our Coffee
Meet Jimmy and "Jimmy", the heart of El Café de Jimmy. Jimmy (left) is an expert specialty coffee farmer in the hills of Nicaragua, and "Jimmy" (right) is the backbone of the roaster that gets that bag of coffee into your hands. God allowed their paths to cross, and El Café de Jimmy was born.
What makes a coffee bean "special" or "gourmet"? There are several factors that give a coffee bean its special flavor, such as the altitude at which the plant is grown, the amount of shade that the plant receives, the variety of coffee plant on which the bean grows, and the way in which the bean is processed.
Here at El Café de Jimmy, all of our coffee beans are 100% gourmet. How do we know that? Because we get our beans from one source--our friend, Jimmy, who has been a specialty coffee farmer for years in the hills of Nicaragua. We have a close relationship with him and know his coffee farm and plants, as well as the processes that he uses to dry and prepare the beans to be shipped to us for roasting. That is why we are able to so confidently say that we are offering a high-quality bean for our customers!
Once here at our small, local Youngsville, NC Roaster, the raw, dried (green) beans are stored at the right temperature and humidity until they are needed for roasting. We roast, grind (if desired) and bag all of our coffee in small batches in order to always provide a fresh roast for your brew!